All cases under Cunha De Almeida Hollanda & Monclaro – Advogados Associados responsibility are based upon a comprehensive survey on jurists’ opinions and jurisprudence, seeking the best legal solution for each client. This work is only possible due to the firm’s team, which specializes in different fields of expertise.

Founding Partner

João Ricardo Cunha de Almeida

Graduated from the Federal University of Paraná in 1983. Enrolled at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) – Chapters of Paraná and Santa Catarina under n. 11,475 and 33,707-A. Graduate certificate in Business Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUC/PR in 2009. Court employee as a Sworn Clerk at the 10th Notary Office in Curitiba between 1984 to 1988. State Judge in the State of Paraná between 1989 and 1994. João Ricardo worked as a representative of the Judiciary Branch in Paraná and was responsible for the implementation of proposals for suppressive, agglutinative, extinguishing and qualifying amendments to the Constitutional Review Process, in 1993 and 1994. Attorney acting in the private sector since 1995. Founder of the Arbitration Chamber of the Paraná Commercial Association – ARBITAC, where he held the position of First Secretary in 1995 and 1996. He founded the law firm Cunha de Almeida – Advogados Associados in April 2000. Member of the Ethics and Discipline Court of the Brazilian Bar – Chapter Paraná, between 2001 and 2004. State Director of the Brazilian Bar – Chapter Paraná, between 2004 and 2012. Member of the Board of the 12th Civil-Service Examination for the Federal Bench of the Regional Federal Appellate Court – 4th Region in 2007 and 2008. Member of the Board of Examination of the Civil-Service Examination in order to grant the positions of Temporary Judge of the Justice Court of the State of Paraná as a representative of the Brazilian Bar Association, Chapter Paraná, in 2012. Member of the Instituto dos Advogados do Estado do Paraná. Meritorious partner of the Judge Association of the State of Rio de Janeiro (AMAERJ). In 1995, awarded the Commendation of Merit of the Bench by the Association of Brazilian Judges – AMB, in light of the services rendered to the bench.

Pedro Ivan Vasconcelos Hollanda

Graduated from the Federal University of Paraná in 2000. Enrolled at the Brazilian Bar Association – Chapters of Paraná and Santa Catarina under n. 29,150 and 33,706-A. Graduate certificate in Business Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUC/PR in 2005. Master of Laws in Social Relations from the Federal University of Paraná, 2008, Thesis: “The corporate groups as an overcoming manner to the traditional model of the autonomous, independent and limited liability commercial society”). Professor at the UniCuritiba Graduation Program of Laws (2011). Member of the Ethics and Discipline Court of the Brazilian Bar Association – Chapter Paraná, between 2010 and 2015. Member of the Instituto dos Advogados do Estado do Paraná.

Mathias Menna Barreto Monclaro

Graduated from Universidade Positivo in 2012. Enrolled at the Brazilian Bar Association – Chapter Paraná, under n. 66,373. Specialized in Civil Procedural Law from Instituto Romeu Felipe Bacellar in 2013. Legal Law Master (LLM) in Corporate Law from Universidade Positivo in 2015. Currently attending the graduate program in Business Management at Fundação Dom Cabral.

João Otávio Simões Pinto Dalloso

Graduated from Fundação de Ensino Eurípides Soares da Rocha – Marília/SP in 2006. Lawyer enrolled at the Brazilian Bar Association – Chapter Paraná, under n. 45,004. Graduate in Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR).

César Pernetta Almeida Bertoldi

Graduated from Centro Universitário Curitiba – Law School in Curitiba in 2017. Lawyer enrolled at the Brazilian Bar Association – Chapter Paraná, under n. 90,452. Graduate certificate in Business Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (GVlaw), in São Paulo/SP.

Marcella Cavallin Veloso

Nina Dall'Oglio Kras

Juliane Tedesco Andretta

Isadora Longhini Seckler Malucelli